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There are many opportunities to volunteer and help the LIN HOWE PTA continue to enhance the academic and social experience of every student


The LinHowe PTA Committee for Equity aspires to be a coalition of parents, teachers, and administrators working toward ensuring equity at Lin Howe for all students and families. We believe our school community is unique and we should work toward making sure EVERY child has the opportunity to learn and grow in our school.


Lin Howe PTA hosts two Book Fairs during the school year.  Load up your kids’ brains with amazing books while adding to the PTA fund and supporting our school library!  New books in the library circulation benefit ALL of our students.  The Book Fair takes over the whole library and each class visits the Fair.  Teachers also create wish lists for their classroom libraries.  Families can shop anytime - before and after school as well as one Saturday afternoon.  The Book Fair is staffed entirely by parent volunteers, so we’re always looking for more help!



Lin Howe is more than a school, it’s a community.  Nowhere is this more apparent than at our PTA sponsored Family Fun Nights! All FFNs are free of charge and open to all Lin Howe families.  There are typically three Family Fun Nights throughout the school year.  The first kicks off in September with a themed event, followed by our Gingerbread House making FFN in December, and finally our themed FFN in late May.  Not only are Family Fun Nights great community builders, but they also take a community to make happen.  We’re always looking for help with planning or volunteering before, during or after the event, so don’t forget to signup for a volunteer shift!



This is Lin Howe’s dragon wagon. Students and parent volunteers meet Friday mornings from two locations to walk to school together.  Join us at Carlson Park at 8:10am or Ince/Carlson at 8:20am, or join in along the way.  Students are given a tag to be scanned and an opportunity to win a prize during that day’s morning assembly.



Lin Howe’s annual talent show is held in January.  Students attend auditions, dress rehearsal and then perform during the Friday night show.  So many students participate (acts are no more than three minutes in length) highlighting their singing, dancing, instrumental, comedic and other talents.  Most performers start working on their acts over the winter break.  It’s a fun night for all!



The Lin Howe PTA Special Education Committee is an informal, parent-led group that works closely with school faculty and staff to ensure that children of all abilities are visible and supported in our school and community.  We organize special assemblies, classroom readings, and other activities to increase understanding and empathy for students who are differently labled.  There also is a Parent Resource book center that addresses an array of social, emotional and developmental issues for our children at the Lin Howe library.  For more information, contact Gabrielle Zadra (


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Look for the Spirit Wear table at Lin Howe functions throughout the year.  Spirit wear is our line of clothing that features multiple Lin Howe logo designs.  It offers a fantastic assortment for kids and adults including tees, sweatshirts and caps.  Part of the Lin Howe community is showing our pride, and this is a great way to do it! 



Lin Howe celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week in May with a staff breakfast, luncheon and other special events throughout the week.  Room Parents also organize specific gifts for teachers.  It’s a great way to show our appreciation for all they do!


© 2020 Linwood Howe PTA.  All Rights Reserved.

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Culver City Unified School District
Culver Cit Education Foundation
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